Monday, December 02, 2024

Sally-Ann Smalley Collection

This collection of pictures and news articles has been generously donated from the private albums of the Smalley Family.

Sally-Anne Smalley and her father (The President of the Club at the time) Mr. Terry Smalley, have been very kind and allowed the club to scan their collection for posterity.

The collection spans a number of years from 1976 to 1983. The running of the competition was a little different back then: Competition was held on a Saturday morning at Chittich Park, and Seymour Centre 36 was comprised of a number of clubs, namely: Seymour Central, Seymour East, St. Mary's and Puckapunyal. A progam of the time has also been scanned that demonstrates the running of the competition. There are a number of local mums and dads names and early photographs that I am sure will bring back some memories to the older generation.

The Club wishes to thank the Smalley's for their valued support.

The sheets are scanned in high resolution due to the images requiring siginificant re-sampling. This also allows you to zoom in on the small photographs and texts with clarity. Clicking on the thumbnails will start the download to your computer. Using a image viewer such a Irfaview will show the images nicely.

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